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The Story Space
33 Years of Tuesday Night Storytelling

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        (Put cursor on Photo to enlarge, Click to see the "Big Picture")
 Open Telling No feature tonight, so try out your new stories, or give us an old favorite. It's October, so there's plenty of spooky tales to be told, and odd Holidays to celebrate. Not to mention, what really happens on Canadian Thanksgiving Day...?
Hosted By: The Phantom
Hear Ye:     (Loads in 3 sec.)  
 Rona Barbour is a multi-award-winning storyteller who has been writing and telling stories since childhood. Her storytelling can and does change lives, especially for the young. As an accredited storytelling tutor (American Art Therapy Association in the US) she's worked in schools and Universities worldwide.
Hosted By: Bruce Marcus  
 Barbara Peterson is a Chicago-based personal narrative storyteller who tells with eloquence, heart, and humor. She has told at Moth slams, an NSN showcase, and at various online and in-person Open Mics & Jams. She takes her audience on journeys through her life's experiences that she hopes will prove to be valuable.
Hosted By: Mike Cohen  

 Lauri Fraser is a professional voice actress (imdb.com/name/nm2315031/), as well as a Storyteller. Besides that, and sharing her stories in and around L.A., for 11 years she also produced her own live storytelling series & podcast, "I Love A Good Story". All this, and she's as down-to-earth as it gets!
Hosted By: Ralph Chadis
Hear Ye:     (Loads in 3 sec.)  
 Baden Prince is a dynamic poet, performer, and storyteller who has been a part of London's thriving Live Literature & Spoken Word scene “since the turn of the century”. Baden tells traditional tales from the Caribbean and beyond, as well as originals - including agreeably creepy stories perfect for Halloween!
Hosted By: Bruce Marcus  
 Sandy Kealty claims she was a “part time poet” until Covid-19. She then became an enthusiastic Zoomer, and through sheer serendipity was introduced to the eclectic world of Newfoundland Recitations (stories in rhyme). She says she was hooked, ordered up a bottle of Rhyming Ink, and has never looked back.
Hosted By: Bruce Marcus
Hear Ye:     (Loads in 3 sec.)  

 OPEN TELLING There is no Feature tonight, so please bring a tale you've always wanted to tell, or one that isn't quite ready; or perhaps even a story about an upcoming November Food Holiday (wink, wink).
Hosted By: Mike Cohen  
 Andrea Kamens performs her annual birthday feature hybrid from Havurat Shalom. Storytelling is in her bones. She tells, writes, tutors, volunteers, travels and produces. She finds traditional and contemporary tales from the nooks and crannies of the world's traditions, telling them with respect, wit and heart.
Hosted By: Ralph Chadis  
 Laura Packer is an award-winning storyteller who began telling stories 30+ years ago at Brother Blue's open mic. Her stories range from funny to poignant, personal to traditional, original fiction to literary, and more. She knows that stories have the power to connect, amuse, heal, and change worlds.
Hosted By: Ralph Chadis  

 Bruce Marcus regales us once again with his annual(ish) birthday(ish) energetic mélange of story, song and superabundance of highly entertaining, highly original rhyming creations. Come see and hear what prompted series co-founder/late storytelling legend Brother Blue to declare him, "My son!"
Hosted By: Mike Cohen  
 Tellabration!™ It's our late edition of the "World-Wide Night of Storytelling for Adults", but just in time for tales about Winter and Winter Holidays, so please join us & some special Guests for some special Stories. Your eight-minute stories are welcome, too!
Hosted By: Mike Cohen  
 Paula Dugan tells stories from myths, tradition and her own musings. She began telling in the early 1990s at Cambridge, MA’s Bookcellar Café – this series! – hosted by the late Brother Blue. Tonight's offerings will include poems and stories that explore tradition, identity, fate and love.
Hosted By: Ralph Chadis  

 OPEN TELLING Dec. 26th is Boxing Day in Canada & the UK -- no gloves in the Ring, just presents for the Servants! There's no need to be Patronizing or Pugilistic, just bring the Gift of your stories to share -- it's all Open Telling tonight!
Hosted By: Mike Cohen  
 Lance McVay hails from northern California, where he teaches high school film making. His original tales of treachery, death, ghosts, deceit, cannibalism, and vengeance are always good rhyming fun and appear in two books: Lighthouse Tales and Tales of Treachery & Terror, both available on Amazon.
Hosted By: Bruce Marcus  
 Dave Paddon is a retired airline pilot living in Newfoundland, originally from Northwest River, Labrador. He grew up listening to the songs and stories of the trappers and attending many a late night “session” around many a kitchen table. His specialties are original recitations and regional historical tales!
Hosted By: Bruce Marcus  

 Linda Yemoto is (among a number of other things) a retired San Francisco Bay park naturalist who continues to tell stories that convey an appreciation of natural and cultural history. This evening, she is excited to share a variety of her favorite Asian folktales, nature stories, and personal stories.
Hosted By: Andrea Kamens  
 Karen Golden International storyteller/musician Karen Golden will answer the question she is often asked, “why did you become a storyteller/musician?” through a mix of personal and folk stories, saxophone and song. Perhaps you will also find your muse through this personal journey.
Hosted By: Mike Cohen  
 Donna Ingham knows her way around a Tall Tale in the (Rio) Grandest sense: she's won the Texas State Liars Contest four times! That said, she does occasionally tell the truth through her historical and personal tales, passing on engrossing bits of Texas folklore for a balanced and entertaining program.
Hosted By: Mike Cohen
Hear Ye:     (Loads in 3 sec.)  

 LOVE, ???, AND CHOCOLATE Join the Story Space’s own Gang of Six for pre-Valentine’s Day tales of Love, Loss, and Hope that Springs Eternal. Bring your stories to share as well, at this special online-only event in association with the Woburn, MA, Public Library. (Please note earlier start & end times: 6:30-8:45pm EST)
Hosted By: Mike Cohen  
 Emily Stamets Specializing in original fantasy with a modern & feminist twist. Storyteller, teacher, and director with 20+ years in Theatre Arts. Co-created "Hyper-theatre" productions with Rogue Artists Ensemble. Director of CA Thespians. Recent projects include directing for La Jolla Playhouse WOW Festival.
Hosted By: Andrea Kamens  
 Vicki Juditz is an actress and personal story crafter and presenter extraordinaire in L.A. Tonight she presents: ADVENTURES OF THE GREEN HOUSEWIFE! One woman's quest to go perfectly green. Eventually, she must don the cape of a super hero.
Hosted By: Ralph Chadis  

 Lynn Torrie tells true stories from history, so vividly that you can imagine that you were there! Take your Gravol before this one; you might get seasick. She will tell of an 1896 Japanese tidal wave and how in 1882 Christie Morrison survived one of Lake Huron's worst storms in a ship not meant for deep water
Hosted By: Bruce Marcus  
 Cheryl Hamilton earned 3rd place at the 2023 National Storytelling Festival slam in Jonesborough, TN. Enjoy the piece she performed there, plus other cross-cultural stories. Cheryl directs curation and coaching for the national media program Stories from the Stage and Suitcase Stories honoring global migration.
Hosted By: Bruce Marcus  
 Carol Ribner co-produces "Her Voice Returns", an on-line storytelling series on women's experiences and The Feminine Principle. A retired psychotherapist who used stories in her work, she now can be found frequenting the 1001 Friday Nights of Storytelling in her native Toronto.
Hosted By: Ralph Chadis  

 Laura Deal won 2024 National Storytelling Network J.J. Reneaux Emerging Artist Award. She's a teller, poet, dream reader, and Yoga leader who tells traditional, personal, historical, and original stories to all ages. Her repertoire has One-Eyed Jack tales, lies, and more. (Will be Hybrid from Havurat Shalom)
Hosted By: Ralph Chadis  
 Double Feature From Sharing the Fire: Eva Abram grew up collecting the rainwater essential for life and now collects the stories essential for the soul. Mindy Donner is a storytelling puppeteer who will tell of the Chinese Year of the Dragon with two dragon stories. Hybrid from Havurat Shalom - No Open Telling
Hosted By: Bruce Marcus  
 Gary Green is a storyteller and author from St. John’s Newfoundland who specializes in recitation and historical tales and teaches in-depth courses on storytelling and recitation. Gary has appeared on Canadian TV and radio and is currently co-writing a book about the WWII Navy-led Newfoundland Escort Force.
Hosted By: Ralph Chadis  

 Open Telling The Sun has been eaten. But, wait: that's actually a total eclipse of the Sun across North America. So this is a great time to tell each other stories about the Sun, the Moon, and the Stars.
Hosted By: Ralph Chadis  
 Barbara Aliprantis presents "The Escapades of Nasreddin Hodja". She'll be telling stories she learned from eavesdropping on her "Uncle" Sava Georgiades. He came to America from Turkey in 1911, with nothing but the clothes on his back, his widowed mother, Athena, AND, a headful of Hodja Stories!
Hosted By: Mike Cohen  
 Open Telling No feature tonight so we will have open telling with a relaxed time limit. Try your new stories, or tell about Passover, Easter, or some other idea you want to put to story, song, poem, mime.
Hosted By: Barbara Aliprantis/Tony Toledo  

 Tim Greenwood Canadian storyteller Tim shares, through story and poetry, his recent six-month journey from left leg amputation to fairly agile mobility and an exciting future. A life-affirming evening celebrating resiliency, the irrepressibility of life and the Healing Power of Words, Poetry and Story.
Hosted By: Bruce Marcus  
 Ralph Chadis Had his 79th birthday recently. He will observe this with an ancient tale of frightful terror involving the Scottish Other-world; his own tale of intrigue set in 19th century Boston; and if time allows, his new imagining about a Pharaoh's defiant daughter. (Will be Hybrid from Havurat Shalom)
Hosted By: Bruce Marcus  
 Claire Beetlestone presents: Borders Seen and Unseen. Could continued establishment of borders be perhaps a major failure of humans? The evening will include: treacherous crossings, trafficking, hidden boundaries, personal stories at borders and, finally, Nasruddin will teach us how smuggling should be done! (On Zoom)
Hosted By: Ralph Chadis  

 Cathy Furness has told stories on two continents to audiences of all ages. She likes to share the layered wisdom of folktales from many cultures, and is especially drawn to the heroes and old stories of her Irish ancestors. Cathy lives in the woods outside Brunswick, Maine.
Hosted By: Barbara Aliprantis  
 Hears Crow (Nootauau Kaukontuoh), is a woman of the Eastern Woodlands. She lives her life in the tradition of the Narragansett (Nanhigganêuck). She is a storyteller, educator, mentor, author, and poet. She primarily tells traditional Native American Longhouse tales.
Hosted By: Andrea Kamens
Hear Ye:     (Loads in 3 sec.)  
 Simon Brooks British storyteller Simon Brooks began entrancing audiences in 1997. His tales, both live - in-person and virtual - and his award-winning recordings, are told with a nod and a wink as he shares the stories he loves with his trademark touch of irreverence. (Hybrid from Havurat Shalom)
Hosted By: Bruce Marcus  

 OPEN TELLING There's no Feature scheduled, so this evening will be all open telling, with a relaxed time limit. Wild stories about upcoming or past Summer Vacations, Historical Reenactments, or unusual hobbies, anyone?
Hosted By: Ralph Chadis
Hear Ye:     (Loads in 3 sec.)  
 Marlon Carey is a poet, educator, actor, communicator and entertainer who wrote and performed most of his life. He published books, produced hip hop CDs, been in plays and short films; Co-founded Shakespeare to Hip Hop; a member of RIBS and Brother’s Keeper Poetry Theater Ensemble. (On Zoom© only!)
Hosted By: Bruce Marcus  
 Jim Brulé Will tell "By any other name…" - Stories of roses from around the world.  Roses are a time-honored icon of love, so it should be no surprise that the stories about them are as tender and thorny as love itself. Cultural sources for this evening are the Romani, Armenia, and Poland.
Hosted By: Ralph Chadis  

 Elinor Benjamin will probably tell a tale or two of Jack. You know Jack, don't you? You may not realize that he travelled all the way up the Appalachian Mountains to where they end on the fabled island of Newfoundland in the North Atlantic, where he continued to have adventures.
Hosted By: Ralph Chadis  
 Rona Barbour is from England, Scotland, Italy, depending on where she is! She loves the power and persuasion and the lasting importance of traditional, oral storytelling. She was born in Glasgow, and has been telling ever since in the British Isles, Russia, USA, Jakarta, Indonesia and in Marrakech, and more.
Hosted By: Bruce Marcus  
 Elisabeth Anton has been telling stories ever since she recited Dr. Seuss’ “Green Eggs and Ham” whilst turning the pages of the book, thus pretending to read to impress her uncle. She began writing her stories down sometime thereafter, and has spent her life telling stories in a variety of forms.
Hosted By: Mike Cohen  

 Denise Page Is a multi-generational African American New Englander. Her stories are rooted in that experience. You’ll hear in them wonder, reverence for family, community, & justice; stirred with humor. She is a Proud Black Woman – identity inherited from her ancestors. Her stories are about and for all People.
Hosted By: Andrea Kamens  
 SARA ARMSTRONG loves finding and telling traditional tales. Her stories build connections and highlight learning about and caring for others. She works at supporting tellers and listeners in as many ways possible. Really, it's all about the stories! She is Chair of Storytelling Assoc of Calif and board of ASST.
Hosted By: Mike Cohen  
 Sara deBeer tells Tales of Transformation - traditional stories from the time before this time, when life was more fluid, and creatures might easily shift from one shape to another.
Hosted By: Barbara Aliprantis
Hear Ye:     (Loads in 3 sec.)  

 Jane Dorfman Jane Dorfman tells fairy and folk tales, personal stories, a few lies, Arabian Nights, and sometimes tells as Calamity Jane. She tells for adults and children at Festivals, libraries, and schools. In August she'll at the Hans Christian Andersen statue in Central Park.
Hosted By: Mike Cohen
Hear Ye:     (Loads in 3 sec.)  
 Cooper Braun Cooper’s stories remind us that fairy tales were never just for children. That traditional stories can be funny, dark, poignant, and anything but dry. He was awarded the 2018 JJ Reneaux Emerging Artist Award and the 2022 Regional Excellence Award by the National Storytelling Network.
Hosted By: Andrea Kamens
Hear Ye:     (Loads in 3 sec.)  
 OPEN TELLING All Open Telling this week! Feel free to bring your tales of Summers gone by or yet to come.
Hosted By: Bruce Marcus  

 OPEN TELLING This week folks in the USA observed a day when laborers of all ilks and professions shared food, drink, and stories. So Zoom in, bringing whatever food, drink, and/or other enjoyments, and ask, "Have you heard the one about ...?"
Hosted By: Mike Cohen  
 John & Rebecca Petrik John told his first story in 2020 and now creates stories in a number of genres. Rebecca is a lifelong musician; her current focus is on Celtic fiddle tunes. They recently began to combine their talents. Expect to hear fractured fairy tales, original comedy, personal stories, fiddle tunes and more!
Hosted By: Ralph Chadis  
 SPEAK PEACE is a NEST Storytelling Concert celebrating the International Day of Peace. This concert features 6 Master Storytellers. Join Jackson Gillman, Merrill Kohlhofer, Marilyn McPhie, Jo Radner, Laura Simms, and Cris Riedel in this celebration of the International Day of Peace.
Hosted By: Mike Cohen
Hear Ye:     (Loads in 3 sec.)  

 Michael Anderson is a union lawyer. After he takes off his tie, he talks to audiences in ways they don’t allow in Federal Court. Also an actor, recent Shakespeare roles include Julius Caesar, Claudius in Hamlet, and Duncan in McBeth, thus confirming his typecasting as “the old guy that everyone wants to stab.”
Hosted By: Ralph Chadis
Hear Ye:     (Loads in 3 sec.)  
 OPEN TELLING After John & Rebecca Petrik, the Speak Peace Concert, and then Michael Anderson, we thought YOU'd like a chance to tell US some more of your own amazing stories and favorite tales.
Hosted By: Mike Cohen
Hear Ye:     (Loads in 3 sec.)  
 Ed Lewis is a retired teacher of young children as well as an Early Childhood Education professor who tells stories to children throughout the world as "Eddie Spaghetti". He has performed in schools sharing interactive stories, puppets, songs, and movement activities since 1973 and across America and abroad.
Hosted By: Bruce Marcus  

 OPEN TELLING That reminds me of a story. Once there was a tale that wanted to be told. But, it's teller was never ready to tell it, so its tail just drooped. The story nagged and nagged until finally the teller said, "Oh, alright, already!" The tale's tail wagged happily. And, you know what happened then...?
Hosted By: Ralph Chadis  
 Laura Packer will share seasonal tales true and traditional, with maybe a personal story or two added in for fun. Laura Packer has been telling stories most of her life - on the stage for the first time at Story Space years ago, and is now a working artist who performs, teaches and coaches around the world.
Hosted By: Andrea Kamens  
 OPEN TELLING It's that time of the Year, and it seems all our Faves are busy working the Halloween crowds. But we'll be here, with a relaxed time limit, ready and eager to hear your stories! Break out an old favorite, your spookiest tale ever, or that brand-new one you haven't had a chance to tell yet.
Hosted By: Barbara Aliprantis  

 Mike Cohen celebrates his Birthday with some favorite stories from deep in his awe-inspiring repertoire. He'll take us through Time and Space, so sit back and enjoy what Ruth Edmonds Hill said was "The most incredible imagination of anyone I've ever known."
Hosted By: Ralph Chadis  
 Thea Iberall has been called ‘a shimmering bridge between heart and mind.’ She's done performance poetry and storytelling since 1998, representing LA at the National Poetry Slams; was inducted into the International Educators Hall of Fame, been featured at almost 100 venues, and had four books published.
Hosted By: Barbara Aliprantis  
 Katherine Eid Wild is a storyteller and filmmaker living in Fairfield, Iowa. Her love of travel has taken her all over the world, but nowhere does she feel more enlivened than in Lebanon, where she first visited at age 18 and now spends time regularly. Welcome to her storied, poetic inner world...
Hosted By: Bruce Marcus  

 Goldie Spencer has been telling her stories for nearly 30 years in many venues in Canada. After retirement she taught “The Art of Storytelling” at Ryerson University (now TMU). She invites you to “Come listen to my folktales and personal stories of love and death and even happy endings.”
Hosted By: Mike Cohen  
 Elisa Pearmain has been telling stories professionally for over 35 years in schools, libraries, churches, conferences, and festivals. A licensed psychotherapist, she's programming chair for Healing Story Alliance. Come listen to the maiden voyage of her story of callings and pilgrimage on the Camino de Santiago!
Hosted By: Ralph Chadis  
 Bruce Marcus energetically shares some of his favorite crowd-pleasing rhyming stories and other malarkey, including some brand new material. Called "My SON!" by series founder late great Brother Blue, Bruce cheerfully strives to live up that unattainable designation every time he cuts loose before an audience.
Hosted By: Mike Cohen  

 Joanna Demarest presents: Tales from the Road, Stories of my Seven Years Living Full-Time in an RV Traveling the US and Canada. Once upon a time Joanna lived here in the Boston area for a spell, then on The Road for seven years and recently settled in the Seattle area. We welcome her back to our (virtual) midst!
Hosted By: Mike Cohen  
 OPEN TELLING No matter if, for you, Christmas Eve is a special night, a difficult night, or just another Tuesday, we're open. OPEN TELLING and LISTENING hosted by the welcoming Andrea Kamens. Put your name in the tin to share an 8-minute story: NO Themes, Competition, or Judging. Just Stories.
Hosted By: Andrea Kamens  
 NYE Storytelling Blowout Twelve hours of New Year's Eve Storytelling Blowout by Artists Standing Strong Together. The Story Space is a presenting partner for Open Telling 7:00-8:00 pm EST. Come for just that hour, or blowout your brain on stories from around the Globe: 1:00 PM EST, Dec 31, 2024 to 1:00 AM EST, Jan 01, 2025.
Hosted By: Barbara Aliprantis  

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