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The Story Space
33 Years of Tuesday Night Storytelling

            Archive of Past Features: Apr-Jun 2024       
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        (Put cursor on Photo to enlarge, Click to see the "Big Picture")
 Gary Green is a storyteller and author from St. John’s Newfoundland who specializes in recitation and historical tales and teaches in-depth courses on storytelling and recitation. Gary has appeared on Canadian TV and radio and is currently co-writing a book about the WWII Navy-led Newfoundland Escort Force.
Hosted By: Ralph Chadis  
 Open Telling The Sun has been eaten. But, wait: that's actually a total eclipse of the Sun across North America. So this is a great time to tell each other stories about the Sun, the Moon, and the Stars.
Hosted By: Ralph Chadis  
 Barbara Aliprantis presents "The Escapades of Nasreddin Hodja". She'll be telling stories she learned from eavesdropping on her "Uncle" Sava Georgiades. He came to America from Turkey in 1911, with nothing but the clothes on his back, his widowed mother, Athena, AND, a headful of Hodja Stories!
Hosted By: Mike Cohen  

 Open Telling No feature tonight so we will have open telling with a relaxed time limit. Try your new stories, or tell about Passover, Easter, or some other idea you want to put to story, song, poem, mime.
Hosted By: Barbara Aliprantis/Tony Toledo  
 Tim Greenwood Canadian storyteller Tim shares, through story and poetry, his recent six-month journey from left leg amputation to fairly agile mobility and an exciting future. A life-affirming evening celebrating resiliency, the irrepressibility of life and the Healing Power of Words, Poetry and Story.
Hosted By: Bruce Marcus  
 Ralph Chadis Had his 79th birthday recently. He will observe this with an ancient tale of frightful terror involving the Scottish Other-world; his own tale of intrigue set in 19th century Boston; and if time allows, his new imagining about a Pharaoh's defiant daughter. (Will be Hybrid from Havurat Shalom)
Hosted By: Bruce Marcus  

 Claire Beetlestone presents: Borders Seen and Unseen. Could continued establishment of borders be perhaps a major failure of humans? The evening will include: treacherous crossings, trafficking, hidden boundaries, personal stories at borders and, finally, Nasruddin will teach us how smuggling should be done! (On Zoom)
Hosted By: Ralph Chadis  
 Cathy Furness has told stories on two continents to audiences of all ages. She likes to share the layered wisdom of folktales from many cultures, and is especially drawn to the heroes and old stories of her Irish ancestors. Cathy lives in the woods outside Brunswick, Maine.
Hosted By: Barbara Aliprantis  
 Hears Crow (Nootauau Kaukontuoh), is a woman of the Eastern Woodlands. She lives her life in the tradition of the Narragansett (Nanhigganêuck). She is a storyteller, educator, mentor, author, and poet. She primarily tells traditional Native American Longhouse tales.
Hosted By: Andrea Kamens
Hear Ye:     (Loads in 3 sec.)  

 Simon Brooks British storyteller Simon Brooks began entrancing audiences in 1997. His tales, both live - in-person and virtual - and his award-winning recordings, are told with a nod and a wink as he shares the stories he loves with his trademark touch of irreverence. (Hybrid from Havurat Shalom)
Hosted By: Bruce Marcus  
 OPEN TELLING There's no Feature scheduled, so this evening will be all open telling, with a relaxed time limit. Wild stories about upcoming or past Summer Vacations, Historical Reenactments, or unusual hobbies, anyone?
Hosted By: Ralph Chadis
Hear Ye:     (Loads in 3 sec.)  
 Marlon Carey is a poet, educator, actor, communicator and entertainer who wrote and performed most of his life. He published books, produced hip hop CDs, been in plays and short films; Co-founded Shakespeare to Hip Hop; a member of RIBS and Brother’s Keeper Poetry Theater Ensemble. (On Zoom© only!)
Hosted By: Bruce Marcus  

 Jim Brulé Will tell "By any other name…" - Stories of roses from around the world.  Roses are a time-honored icon of love, so it should be no surprise that the stories about them are as tender and thorny as love itself. Cultural sources for this evening are the Romani, Armenia, and Poland.
Hosted By: Ralph Chadis  

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