Lance McVay hails from northern California, where he teaches high school film making. His original tales of treachery, death, ghosts, deceit, cannibalism, and vengeance are always good rhyming fun and appear in two books: Lighthouse Tales and Tales of Treachery & Terror, both available on Amazon. Hosted By: Bruce Marcus | 1/9/2024
Dave Paddon is a retired airline pilot living in Newfoundland, originally from Northwest River, Labrador. He grew up listening to the songs and stories of the trappers and attending many a late night “session” around many a kitchen table. His specialties are original recitations and regional historical tales! Hosted By: Bruce Marcus | 1/16/2024
Linda Yemoto is (among a number of other things) a retired San Francisco Bay park naturalist who continues to tell stories that convey an appreciation of natural and cultural history. This evening, she is excited to share a variety of her favorite Asian folktales, nature stories, and personal stories. Hosted By: Andrea Kamens |
Karen Golden International storyteller/musician Karen Golden will answer the question she is often asked, “why did you become a storyteller/musician?” through a mix of personal and folk stories, saxophone and song. Perhaps you will also find your muse through this personal journey. Hosted By: Mike Cohen | 1/30/2024
Donna Ingham knows her way around a Tall Tale in the (Rio) Grandest sense: she's won the Texas State Liars Contest four times! That said, she does occasionally tell the truth through her historical and personal tales, passing on engrossing bits of Texas folklore for a balanced and entertaining program. Hosted By: Mike Cohen Hear Ye: (Loads in 3 sec.) | 2/6/2024
LOVE, ???, AND CHOCOLATE Join the Story Space’s own Gang of Six for pre-Valentine’s Day tales of Love, Loss, and Hope that Springs Eternal. Bring your stories to share as well, at this special online-only event in association with the Woburn, MA, Public Library. (Please note earlier start & end times: 6:30-8:45pm EST) Hosted By: Mike Cohen |
Emily Stamets Specializing in original fantasy with a modern & feminist twist. Storyteller, teacher, and director with 20+ years in Theatre Arts. Co-created "Hyper-theatre" productions with Rogue Artists Ensemble. Director of CA Thespians. Recent projects include directing for La Jolla Playhouse WOW Festival. Hosted By: Andrea Kamens | 2/20/2024
Vicki Juditz is an actress and personal story crafter and presenter extraordinaire in L.A. Tonight she presents: ADVENTURES OF THE GREEN HOUSEWIFE! One woman's quest to go perfectly green. Eventually, she must don the cape of a super hero. Hosted By: Ralph Chadis | 2/27/2024
Lynn Torrie tells true stories from history, so vividly that you can imagine that you were there!
Take your Gravol before this one; you might get seasick. She will tell of an 1896 Japanese tidal wave and how in 1882 Christie Morrison survived one of Lake Huron's worst storms in a ship not meant for deep water Hosted By: Bruce Marcus |
Cheryl Hamilton earned 3rd place at the 2023 National Storytelling Festival slam in Jonesborough, TN. Enjoy the piece she performed there, plus other cross-cultural stories. Cheryl directs curation and coaching for the national media program Stories from the Stage and Suitcase Stories honoring global migration. Hosted By: Bruce Marcus | 3/12/2024
Carol Ribner co-produces "Her Voice Returns", an on-line storytelling series on women's experiences and The Feminine Principle. A retired psychotherapist who used stories in her work, she now can be found frequenting the 1001 Friday Nights of Storytelling in her native Toronto. Hosted By: Ralph Chadis | 3/19/2024
Laura Deal won 2024 National Storytelling Network J.J. Reneaux Emerging Artist Award. She's a teller, poet, dream reader, and Yoga leader who tells traditional, personal, historical, and original stories to all ages. Her repertoire has One-Eyed Jack tales, lies, and more. (Will be Hybrid from Havurat Shalom) Hosted By: Ralph Chadis |
Double Feature From Sharing the Fire: Eva Abram grew up collecting the rainwater essential for life and now collects the stories essential for the soul.
Mindy Donner is a storytelling puppeteer who will tell of the Chinese Year of the Dragon with two dragon stories. Hybrid from Havurat Shalom - No Open Telling Hosted By: Bruce Marcus | | |