You mean I could be a Host?

This is the longest running storytelling series in New England -
maybe in the US. It was started in 1992 by Brother Blue and his wife,
Ruth Hill, as a place where storytellers of all levels could come and tell
their tales in a safe and nurturing environment. We are continuing in their
spirit, but cannot do it without your help. And by your help, we mean you,
in all your uniqueness and glory, not your money. Specifically, we need
you to step forward and be a host for one or more Tuesday Nights.
Hosting can be a lot of fun, because you get to set the tone and
energy level for the whole evening. It consists of coming in early
to the Havurat (by 6:30pm), doing some setup, being the MC for the evening, and
then supervising the takedown. You'll be done by 9:30pm, or earlier. Full
instructions will be emailed to you when you sign up, so you'll have them
well in advance. And, one or more members of the Committee will be there to
help, and talk you through it.
Hosting is a great way to give back, and it is also a great way to shine, to let
others see and hear you. Brother Blue hosted almost every week for over
18 years; now it’s your turn. To volunteer, or get more information:
Contact Ralph Chadis
By Phone: 617-547-6375
By Email: hosting@StorySpace.Org