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The Story Space
33 Years of Tuesday Night Storytelling

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 Atiba Kwabena-Wilson is a celebrated Musician, Poet, and Storyteller for more than 20 years. He is the founder and artistic director of both Songhai Djeli and the Befo' Quotet. Their repertoire is based upon traditional Afrikan approaches to music, poetry and storytelling and spoken word.
Hosted By: Andrea Kamens  
 Loren Niemi We know the Tale, or think we do. But what's the story when you shift the order, and change who's telling it, and when? There's a Father, Stepmother, Stepsisters, Prince, and Fairy Godmother, not to mention the young woman herself. Then there's "The Case of Jane Doe", a true-life Ghost Story....
Hosted By: Ralph Chadis  
 RALPH CHADIS tells The Legend of Bithiah. Some 3,000 years ago this daughter of a Pharaoh found a basket in the Nile with a baby in it. Be astonished at who the child becomes. Be amazed at whom she befriends. Be stunned at whom she marries. Be shocked at where she goes and with whom. This is truly biblical.
Hosted By: Andrea Kamens  

 Ellen Robertson was an original member of the Gang of Six. A very gracious winner of many Massmouth story slams, she'll dazzle you with her keen observations of human nature, while delighting you with her warmth and wit.
Hosted By: Andrea Kamens  
 Bethany Ellis is a much-traveled teller from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, whose repertoire ranges from music-enhanced tales based on medieval ballads to finger-play stories for the very young. She has performed in bus stops, a moving train and two-horse open sleigh, lively pubs, livelier churches and a graveyard.
Hosted By: Bruce Marcus  
 Danielle Bellone Danielle tells lots of different kinds of stories, but her favorites are stories of the fairy tale, queer, new trad, intersectional feminist, and hilarious varieties. Extra double lagniappe bonus points if there is music involved. Scratch the "if." There is almost certainly music involved.
Hosted By: Mike Cohen  

 Tim Tingle is an Oklahoma Choctaw and an award-winning author and storyteller. His great-great grandfather, John Carnes, walked the Trail of Tears in 1835. He is not to be missed!
Hosted By: Ralph Chadis  
 Norah Dooley will tell a mashup of personal stories and folktales mashup she calls, "From Shy Girl to Can't Shut Me Up." This Nationally Credentialed Teaching Artist has taught thousands of students their stories have value. She's told all over USA including Puerto Rico, in Japan, India and Tanzania.
Hosted By: Ralph Chadis  
 Open Telling with a relaxed time limit. It's our first one since we went on Zoom! Memorial Day will be behind us, and Summer is beckoning. Try out a brand-new story, or tell us about a special Holiday experience.
Hosted By: Mike Cohen  

 Joe Pagliuca Will tell tales from teaching preschoolers, entertaining preschoolers, and getting driven crazy by preschoolers! Learn how he got his “Big Joe” name. See how he dealt with sensitive subjects and silly situations. Witness near death experiences, and feel the passion and pain of preschool teaching!
Hosted By: Bruce Marcus  
 Onawumi Jean Moss Onawumi Jean Moss, The Soulful Storyteller with Southern Roots, returns to Story Space with "Storytelling In Times Like These". Her interactive, humorous, thought provoking stories (Personal and Original) will inspire more intentional Community-Bridge building throughout our storytelling world.
Hosted By: Barbara Aliprantis  
 John Porcino is a beloved teller who is celebrating 37 years of storytelling and music. His performances are a mix of stories and songs that come to life with warmth, humor, a playful touch of audience participation, and a twist of music from around the world.
Hosted By: Ralph Chadis  

 Nick Baskerville Being a husband, a dad, a military veteran, and a firefighter gives Nick plenty to talk about. He tells deeply personal narratives that have been featured on The Moth, Better Said Than Done, Storyfest Short Slam, Secretly Y’all, and The Story Collider.
Hosted By: Mike Cohen  

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