Usha Venkatraman Visiting from India! Fearless princesses, a beautiful cockroach with a street smart granny, and wonderfully quirky kings and queens - this is the world of Usha Venkatraman, Mumbai's award winning & leading storyteller (and self-taught puppeteer) for over 23 years. Hosted By: Bruce Marcus & Elisa Pearmain | 10/9/2018
DVORA JONAS Was brought up in a culturally Jewish, union organizing, anti-religious family. While earning degrees in Physics and Biophysics she became involved in Jewish practice and thought. Then she studied Eastern religions. So she'll tell about her many years living in a Buddhist monastery in San Francisco. Hosted By: Ralph Chadis | 10/16/2018
Doria Hughes rocks the house with traditional stories that are decisively for grown-ups. Her earthy, highly animated renditions of tales you are unlikely to hear anywhere else are sure to gross out and delight you! Hosted By: Mike Cohen |
Andy Davis comes to us once again from his home in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. His stories, personal, traditional and embellished traditional, tend to betray either his strong social consciousness or flat-out mischievousness. Either way, you are bound to enjoy his visit as time well spent indeed. Hosted By: Bruce Marcus | 10/30/2018
Archana Sufiana Originally from Bombay, Archana has worked as a professional dancer, actress and singer. Using storytelling in her work, she currently leads spiritual transformative workshops & retreats in India and many other countries, focusing on Women's Empowerment, Feminine Embodiment & Creative Arts Healing. Hosted By: Andrea Kamens | 11/6/2018
Lynn Noel performs from "A Woman's Way: True Tales of Adventurous Women" - Vikings, Voyageurs, Pirates, Explorers, and other traditional women's roles.
Sing along to time-traveling true tales of unsung heroines, and let the lives of these remarkable women inspire your own adventures. Hosted By: Ralph Chadis |
JOYCE SABATO is a reverse snow bird from St. Augustine, FL, who recently returned to New England. She is a seasoned storyteller, experienced educator, and a musician with “the voice of an angel”. Tonight, Joyce will be presenting stories and songs in a program she calls "Diets, Dragons, and Death". Hosted By: Bruce Marcus Hear Ye: (Loads in 3 sec.) | 11/17/2018
Tellabration!™ It's the World-Wide Night of Storytelling, so please join the Gang of Six & their special Guests for some special Stories. 7pm, SATURDAY, Nov. 17, at the Modera Club House, 82 North Main Street, Natick, MA. Free Parking on the upper deck of the Garage! Hosted By: Barbara Aliprantis | 11/20/2018
Andrea Kamens is a writer, tutor, community volunteer and mom of five who tells tales of many types to all ages.
In Jewish tradition, a person on her birthday, can distribute blessings. November 20 is Andrea's birthday and she'll be distributing stories, traditional, original, and just for you. Come be blessed. Hosted By: Ralph Chadis |
MEI-LIN PO is a creative artist, musical theater enthusiast, and storykeeper, who seeks ways to make the world better through story. She will be presenting Hans Christian Andersen’s ‘The Emperor and the Nightingale’, as well as the Frank Stockton classic, ‘The Lady or the Tiger?’ Hosted By: Mike Cohen | 12/4/2018
Dan Dahari Once called “The Flavor Guru" on WBZ’s Chronicle, Dan got into storytelling mostly by accident, yet now sits on the board of Massmouth. A writer, educator, chef, bartender, and performer for the past 10 years, he's hosted, competed, and performed in many area storytelling and stand-up comedy arenas. Hosted By: Andrea Kamens | 12/11/2018
Abner Serd and Bruce Marcus Two poetic powerhouses join forces for an evening of tales entirely in verse! Presenting an olio of truly classic ballads and hilarious originals, they flaunt amazing powers of memorization and presentation, in a rhyme time throwdown you won’t want to miss! Stories in rhyme? Truly sublime! Hosted By: Ralph Chadis |
Robyn Perkins presents "Mating Selection". After being on a live dating show, which included her most uncomfortable moment ever on stage, Robyn Perkins is taking an honest look at the social constructs of present-day dating, with a scientific twist. Biology versus Morals = Comedy! Hosted By: Mike Cohen Hear Ye: (Loads in 3 sec.) | 12/25/2018
CLOSED -- HOLIDAY Christmas • Festival of the Sun • Kwanzaa • Pancha Ganapati Hosted By: |