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The Story Space
33 Years of Tuesday Night Storytelling

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        (Put cursor on Photo to enlarge, Click to see the "Big Picture")
Hosted By:   
 Open Telling Our scheduled Feature, Carolyn Stearns, has come down with a terrible case of suspected Lyme Disease, so we're having all Open Telling tonight.
Hosted By: Ralph Chadis  
 Jannelle Codianni is uncannily perceptive. Jannelle breathes poetry and searing honesty into every one of her well-crafted, original tales. Her true-life, personal stories regularly win story slams and are sure to win your heart.
Hosted By: Andrea Kamens  

 Katie Green tells stories of truth, folk and faery. She's known for her love of Egyptian myths and Hans Christian Andersen stories. On this night, Katie will tell the Andersen tale, "The Will 'o the Wisps are in Town," said the Bog Witch.
Hosted By: Ellen Robertson  
 Brendyn Schneider His stories are brimming with charm, poignancy and odd characters, and have been presented masterfully at venues large and small all over town. When Brendyn says, "Join us for an evening of childhood nostalgia, trapeze-like ethics and surface-of-the-sun passion," how can you resist?
Hosted By: Joseph Pagliuca
Hear Ye:     (Loads in 3 sec.)  
 Open Telling Our scheduled Feature cannot make it. So we will have Open Telling: tell a new story, or about an August holiday: Purple Heart Day, Lighthouse Day, Book Lovers Day, International Cat Day, Happiness Happens Day, International Day of the World's Indigenous People, National S'mores Day, Lazy Day.
Hosted By: Ralph Chadis  

 Abner Serd takes a departure from his prolific repertoire of delightfully skewed original tales, to share an evening of classic rhyming ballads. Expect great material, well presented!
Hosted By: Joseph Smeall
Hear Ye:     (Loads in 3 sec.)  
 John Sanders tells stories by Gianni Rodari. Rodari, the greatest children’s author of the 20th century and winner of the Hans Christian Anderson Award, has been translated from Italian into every major language except English - until now! Come and be delighted by Rodari’s gleefully imaginative modern fables.
Hosted By: Bruce Marcus  
 Katie Liesener Writer, professor and storyteller, Katie crafts personal stories that crackle with truth, humor and moments of exaltation - and win story slams!
Hosted By: Ellen Robertson  

 Loren Niemi From Minnesota! What happens when the past disappears and the search for the one witness to the Truth turns the tables on who is who? Loren shares "Finding Gregory" a work in progress that riffs on Dylan: "Time will tell who fell And who’s been left behind, when you go your way and I go mine... "
Hosted By: Bruce Marcus  
 Elisa Pearmain is an award-winning teller and author, and psychotherapist whose love for wise world tales and healing personal stories has been expressing itself for over 30 years. Come hear a personal story that had its zenith on the streets of Cambridge many years ago but continues to bear fruit: The Midwife.
Hosted By: Ralph Chadis  
 Kate Chadbourne Our annual date with Kate! This master performer shares Celtic tales and songs, from earthy to sublime, accompanying herself on harp and charming one and all with her great voice, keen eye for material, sly wink or two and winning smile.
Hosted By: Barbara Aliprantis  

 Amy Oestreicher ’s grandmother was an 18-year-old prisoner in Auschwitz who built a life in Brooklyn after WW II. Amy's drive to know how her grandmother & other relatives healed after the war yielded an Epic Story. Unfortunately, Amy fell sick on short notice, and we had an OPEN TELLING instead.
Hosted By: Joseph Smeall-Villarroel  

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