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The Story Space
33 Years of Tuesday Night Storytelling

            Archive of Past Features: Apr-Jun 2014       
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        (Put cursor on Photo to enlarge, Click to see the "Big Picture")
 Robin Maxfield is a comedian, storyteller, slam host, & producer. Tonight she shares stories that riff on April Fools Day. You're the Fool if you miss her!
Hosted By: Bruce Marcus  
 Jon Klein speaks with searing honesty. His life as an activist, organizer, and an LGBT & Mental Health advocate provides rich grist for his storytelling mill.
Hosted By: Bruce Marcus  
 OPEN TELLING You never know what you'll hear! Relaxed time limit allows for even wilder stories!
Hosted By: Joe Pagliuca
Hear Ye:     (Loads in 3 sec.)  

 OPEN TELLING with a Twist! The three best stories on Optional Theme, "The First Time I --", will win "Valuable" Prizes!
Hosted By: Joe Pagliuca
Hear Ye:     (Loads in 3 sec.)  
 Ralph Chadis presents: "McGonagill, A Love Story". An innocent walking trip of Ireland finds a sculptor, a tailor, his magical wife, and a dangerous secret.
Hosted By: Mike Cohen  
 Andy Davis tells a set of stories springing from his work in Guatemalan refugee camps in the 90s: folklore, personal experience, and a little history and poetry.
Hosted By: Ralph Chadis
Hear Ye:     (Loads in 3 sec.)  

 Tony Toledo Inimitable larger-than-life host of weekly spoken word series Speak Up! in Lynn shares an evening of fairy tales for adults!
Hosted By: Joe Pagliuca  
 Mike Sweeney A romantic's heart + a standup comic's sly observation skills = Mike. When it comes to relationships, he's a process junkie. Come share his addiction!
Hosted By: Mike Cohen  
 R. Jim Stahl boldly takes on race, privilege, and manhood. In the Woodstock era, everyone's making bombs - including our one-eyed, two-fisted hero: Monocular Man!
Hosted By: Bruce Marcus
Hear Ye:     (Loads in 3 sec.)  

 Cindy Maybeck presents "Rainbow Grace". Rev Cindy is a wa-a-ay dynamic Baptist Minister/Storyteller with boundless love in her heart & a very high coolness factor.
Hosted By: Bruce Marcus  
 Hettie Farley Barnes is an Appalachian teller with one foot in Sweet Virginia and the other in the Granite State. A refreshing dose of Southern wit, wisdom and charm!
Hosted By: Bruce Marcus  
 Chris Kastle This Florida storyteller, songsmith, musician, author, and educator spins original and classic tales with a special connection to the sea.
Hosted By: Bruce Marcus  

 Laura Packer Prior to their 2013 move to KC, MO, Laura and late husband Kevin Brooks were a HUGE part of Boston storytelling. We welcome her visit with open arms!
Hosted By: Bruce Marcus  

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