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The Story Space
33 Years of Tuesday Night Storytelling

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        (Put cursor on Photo to enlarge, Click to see the "Big Picture")
 Mike Lockett has performed traditional tales using vocalizations and a mountain dulcimer, in over 4000 programs in 32 states and 17 countries at schools, education conferences, and storytelling festivals. He's preparing for his 25th paid tour of Taiwan and the release of his 24th children’s book.
Hosted By: Ralph Chadis  
 Mike Lockett Dr. Mike Lockett is a teller of traditional takes in a non-traditional manner. He was an educator and part time storyteller for 33 years. He went full-time as a teller in 2005. He has given over 4000 programs across 32 states and in 17 countries and is the author of 28 books and 6 CDs and DVDs.
Hosted By: Ralph Chadis  

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