Judah Leblang 's journey of discovery blends comedy and drama, as he goes from poppyseed kuchen to Provincetown. Hosted By: Ralph Chadis Hear Ye: (Loads in 3 sec.) | 1/14/2014
Judah Leblang Storyteller, author, teacher, & NPR contributor shares from his memoir "Finding My Place: One Man's Journey from Cleveland to Boston and Beyond". Hosted By: Linda Havel | 9/27/2016
Judah Leblang is a Boston-based writer, teacher, and storyteller. He has performed his solo show, "One Man's Journey through the Middle Ages" - a humorous look at getting older - at Gay Games 9 in Cleveland, the Cambridge Center for Adult Ed, and Chicago, Buffalo, and Minnesota Fringe Festivals. Hosted By: Ralph Chadis Hear Ye: (Loads in 3 sec.) |