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The Story Space
33 Years of Tuesday Night Storytelling

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        (Put cursor on Photo to enlarge, Click to see the "Big Picture")
 Joseph Smeall-Villarroel is a Boston-based writer, graphic artist, and musician. He works at WGBH-PBS, plays organ at Our Lady of the Cedars of Lebanon Maronite Church, and can be found in cafés and shawarma diners revising his novel, inspired by the mystical and superstitious histories of his Bolivian ancestors.
Hosted By: Mike Cohen  
 Joseph Smeall-Villarroel is excited to open the Halloween season with a combo pack of stories. There's a witchy fairytale, some Roald Dahl-esque stories of his Catholic school days, and eerie-but-true tales about his relatives (who have more in common with the Addams Family than they might care to admit).
Hosted By: Andrea Kamens  
 Joseph Smeall-Villarroel pulls out his Miss Marple Knitting Needles, to share with you the shocking true story of his old Catholic high school's most spectacular senior prank, and the tangled webs of intrigue and institutional dysfunction it concealed within its coils. Not to be missed by anybody who enjoys a good mystery!
Hosted By: Mike Cohen  

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