Jane Dorfman tells folk, fairy, and personal tales at schools, festivals, and prestigious events like Speak!, Stone Soup, Sparks, & Sharing The Fire. Jane's two CD's have each won the World Storytelling Award (in 2019 & 2020). She'll be treating us to some delightful, but risqué stories from The Arabian Nights. Hosted By: Mike Cohen Hear Ye: (Loads in 3 sec.) | 6/20/2023
Jane Dorfman tells tales of dutiful daughters and wise women, faithful sons and wicked kings, of magic skipping ropes and Irish heroes, of the angel Elijah and the fools of Chelm, of tricky animals and clever kids. And, she tells personal stories about her New Orleans childhood and her Maryland neighbors. Hosted By: Ralph Chadis | 8/13/2024
Jane Dorfman Jane Dorfman tells fairy and folk tales, personal stories, a few lies, Arabian Nights, and sometimes tells as Calamity Jane. She tells for adults and children at Festivals, libraries, and schools. In August she'll at the Hans Christian Andersen statue in Central Park. Hosted By: Mike Cohen Hear Ye: (Loads in 3 sec.) |