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The Story Space
33 Years of Tuesday Night Storytelling

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        (Put cursor on Photo to enlarge, Click to see the "Big Picture")
 DVORA JONAS Was brought up in a culturally Jewish, union organizing, anti-religious family. While earning degrees in Physics and Biophysics she became involved in Jewish practice and thought. Then she studied Eastern religions. So she'll tell about her many years living in a Buddhist monastery in San Francisco.
Hosted By: Ralph Chadis  
 DVORA JONAS In honor of her milestone birthday, Dvora presents imaginative, surreal, and personal stories (including ones generally kept hidden) drawn from 80 years of spiritual, emotional, and physical wandering. All told with her unassuming charm.
Hosted By: Ralph Chadis  
 DVORA JONAS "From Buddhist Seminary to Commodity: the first-hand story of how the futon got into American homes." Dvora has lived an interesting and varied life. She was a scientist, an artist, a Buddhist, and a traveler, and in the process had many interesting experiences. Come and hear the stories.
Hosted By: Ralph Chadis  

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