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The Story Space
33 Years of Tuesday Night Storytelling

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        (Put cursor on Photo to enlarge, Click to see the "Big Picture")
 Cheryl Hamilton , refugee advocate & relentless storyteller, weaves true life stories of courage & compassion with infectious energy & self-deprecating wit.
Hosted By: Len Lipner  
 Cheryl Hamilton Just back from refugee work in East Africa, Cheryl unpacks travel stories with her usual self-deprecating humor and observations on world crises.
Hosted By: Ralph Chadis  
 Cheryl Hamilton Her experiences, from getting tattoos to working with international refugees, spring vividly to life when this local teller holds forth!
Hosted By: Bruce Marcus  

 Cheryl Hamilton is a relentless storyteller and refugee advocate. She balances her time between the International Institute of New England and non-profit storytelling org Massmouth. Her storytelling projects include curating Suitcase Stories, which honors immigrants' lives, and Stories from the Stage for PBS TV.
Hosted By: Bruce Marcus  
 Cheryl Hamilton As a story event producer, it's easy to end up backstage more than in front of the mic. For this special edition, Cheryl will combine personal stories from her international work with extraordinary tales from her curator/coaching roles with Stories from the Stage and Suitcase Stories. Q&A included!
Hosted By: Ralph Chadis  
 Cheryl Hamilton earned 3rd place at the 2023 National Storytelling Festival slam in Jonesborough, TN. Enjoy the piece she performed there, plus other cross-cultural stories. Cheryl directs curation and coaching for the national media program Stories from the Stage and Suitcase Stories honoring global migration.
Hosted By: Bruce Marcus  

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