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33 Years of Tuesday Night Storytelling

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        (Put cursor on Photo to enlarge, Click to see the "Big Picture")
 CD Collins , Kentucky native, will transport you to the deepest heart of Appalachia, its troubles, remarkable characters, & its ineffable, endangered beauty.
Hosted By: Mike Cohen
Hear Ye:     (Loads in 3 sec.)  
 CD Collins This Kentucky-born spoken word artist + pianist Santon present: Night Animals - A Collaboration of Spoken Word and Music. Substantive and wonderful!
Hosted By: Joseph Pagliuca  
 CD Collins Kentucky native CD Collins follows the storytelling traditions of the South, both as a solo artist and when accompanied by musicians. Author, musician and spoken word artiste extraordinaire, her work pulses with life blood, expressing sympathy, rage and hope in equal measure.
Hosted By: Bruce Marcus
Hear Ye:     (Loads in 3 sec.)  

 CD Collins This Kentucky native has 3 books and 5 spoken-word-with-music CDs, incl. "Kentucky Stories", which won Boston Poetry Awards’ Best Spoken Word. She has appeared at Berklee, ICA, New York Public Library & DC’s John F Kennedy Center, and is currently writing a collection entitled "The Little Big Town".
Hosted By: Bruce Marcus
Hear Ye:     (Loads in 3 sec.)  

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