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The Story Space
33 Years of Tuesday Night Storytelling

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        (Put cursor on Photo to enlarge, Click to see the "Big Picture")
 Barbara Aliprantis From NYC! Born on an island in the Aegean Sea, she shares stories of her Brooklyn Greek-American immigrant childhood, plus a plucky folktale or two.
Hosted By: Joseph Pagliuca  
 Barbara Aliprantis , armed with a quirky sense of humor and ability to communicate in 3 languages (English/Greek/ASL), shares stories/anecdotes collected over the past 35 years listening/telling stories to culturally and linguistically diverse people of all ages - hearing AND deaf! Be prepared for a shift in thinking.
Hosted By: Penny Post  
 Barbara Aliprantis confidently launches our first on-line Gathering with her high-energy telling. She'll be sharing stories from her eclectic repertoire, which has been described as “an ethnographic kaleidoscope of folklore and wisdom tales from around the globe”. Join us as she carries Brother Blue's torch online.
Hosted By: Andrea Kamens  

 Barbara Aliprantis “Nasruddin Hodja, Uncle Savvas and Me?” Barbara shares stories she heard as a youngster, hiding at the top of the basement stairs, eavesdropping on the menfolk who were sitting around the dining room table, swapping stories while the womenfolk were in the kitchen preparing snacks for everyone.
Hosted By: Bruce Marcus  
 Barbara Aliprantis presents "The Escapades of Nasreddin Hodja". She'll be telling stories she learned from eavesdropping on her "Uncle" Sava Georgiades. He came to America from Turkey in 1911, with nothing but the clothes on his back, his widowed mother, Athena, AND, a headful of Hodja Stories!
Hosted By: Mike Cohen  

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