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The Story Space
33 Years of Tuesday Night Storytelling

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        (Put cursor on Photo to enlarge, Click to see the "Big Picture")
 Abner Serd is the prolific writer and producer, since 2015, of the clever, entertaining podcast series Tall Tales & Shaggy Dogs (available on iTunes, Stitcher, etc). On this night he will step out from behind the web mic and share, live, his refreshingly skewed wit and worldview.
Hosted By: Ralph Chadis  
 Abner Serd takes a departure from his prolific repertoire of delightfully skewed original tales, to share an evening of classic rhyming ballads. Expect great material, well presented!
Hosted By: Joseph Smeall
Hear Ye:     (Loads in 3 sec.)  
 Abner Serd and Bruce Marcus Two poetic powerhouses join forces for an evening of tales entirely in verse! Presenting an olio of truly classic ballads and hilarious originals, they flaunt amazing powers of memorization and presentation, in a rhyme time throwdown you won’t want to miss! Stories in rhyme? Truly sublime!
Hosted By: Ralph Chadis  

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