NICOLETTE NORDIN HEAVEY ’s stories draw upon her well-travelled & "storied" past, yet include complete flights of fancy. Real or imagined? Come find out! Hosted By: Jane LaChance Hear Ye: (Loads in 3 sec.) | 12/16/2014
Nicolette Nordin Heavey produces Stories in the Streets, a summer program for city kids. Tonight she weaves a folktale together with her remarkable "Streets" experiences. Hosted By: Ellen Robertson | 6/18/2019
Nicolette Nordin Heavey beguils her listeners into having FUN learning! Her lifelong travels enliven the settings, characters and accents of her her stories. She believes every dysfunction has a humorous side and a lesson to teach.
She founded Stories in the Streets, bringing stories to disadvantaged communities. Hosted By: Mike Cohen |